NMPSIA Mobile App - Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy applies to the NMPSIA Mobile Application and addresses its data collection and usage. The developer of this Application is Erisa Administrative Services, Inc., A New Mexico Corporation, also known as EASI. It administers the benefit programs for New Mexico Public School Insurance Authority . Protecting your private information is our priority. We are collecting the information to administer the various benefit plans you have elected. By using this Mobile Application, you have consented to the terms of this policy.

This Mobile Application is designed to offer inquiry usage only. For inquiry purpose, you may review your premium payment history, your benefit elections, and benefit plan related information published by NMPSIA. To Enter and update your personal data and enrollment information, you must go through the formal process of in-person, submittal of signed written forms or using the full-scale on-line process with appropriate supporting documents. However, you may use the Mobile Application to contact the responsible personnel to assist you in your updating or new enrollment needs.

The Mobile Application accesses the database created and maintained by EASI for specific member information only. All information you supplied through the "Employee Enrollment Application" form or from your employer are securely maintained in the database. These data include items such as name, address, social security number, benefit choices, employment status, dependent coverage and beneficiary appointment. This information is encrypted for security reasons.

The use of this Mobile Application to access these data requires secured log-in protocol with multi-factor authentication protection. Also, the Mobile Application tracks and records the date/time and IP address of each access to the database. It detects any attempt by unauthorized users to download or access multiple records in a single log-in and prohibits such activity.

As noted above, this Mobile Application does not provide tools to enter or update any of your personal information. Such actions need to be accomplished by in-person, submittal of written and signed forms or on-line web methodologies.

EASI does not sell, rent, distribute, publish or release your personal information in any form to anyone. However, information within the database may be shared with related parties such as the Staff at the Authority, authorized vendors such as actuarial consultant, wellness educators, case managers and Human Resources personnel in your school and Districts, as well as benefit plan carriers such as BlueCross BlueShield of NM, Presbyterian Health Plan and many others as published in the Program Guide.

EASI may disclose demographic data such as premium amounts, age, family size, gender and benefit choices if required to do so at the requests of New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority.

Changes to this Statement

EASI may disclose demographic data such as premium amounts, age, family size, gender and benefit choices if required to do so at the requests of New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority.

When there are changes in Federal, State, local or NMPSIA guidelines on privacy, EASI shall update this Application timely to comply with these changes.