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The Standard Life and Disability

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Applying for Life & LTD Coverage - Late Enrollment

For Additional Life or Long Term Disability that is declined or if the employee chooses to enroll after the 31-day enrollment deadline, to add these coverages the employee needs to:

  • Complete an Employee Enrollment/Change Form or Request via Employee Login Online System
  • Respond to Evidence of Insurability Email
  • Wait for Decision by The Standard

This applies to requests for LTD coverage or Additional Life for the employee and Dependent Life coverage for spouse.

Step 1
Complete a paper Employee Enrollment/Change Form and submit to your employer’s Benefits office or apply via Employee Login online system.

Step 2
Respond to Evidence of Insurability email from The Standard to complete the Evidence of Insurability application

Note: The late enrollment process is available anytime of the year. A tutorial can be found here.

What is evidence of insurability?
EOI is a statement or proof of a person's physical condition that is required to obtain certain types of insurance.