STOPit Anonymous Reporting System

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NMPSIA and STOPit introduce a fully funded Safety and Wellness Program to support New Mexico School Districts

NMPSIA is partnering with STOPit Solutions to provide their best-in-class Anonymous Reporting System (ARS), SEL & Wellness Center, and other services to NMPSIA Member School Districts.

Since 2014, our partner STOPit Solutions has been offering safety & wellness solutions that are deployed in more than 1600 districts including more than 25 in New Mexico. Their solutions are focused on the physical and mental wellbeing of students, staff, and families. It is one of the most efficient and affordable ways for schools to prevent multiple types of mistreatments including bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, violence, and other forms of exploitation, helping to ensure the safety & wellness of your school community.

When incidents do occur, STOPit helps you maintain an electronic record of your positive interventions, available as a legal defense in the event of a lawsuit alleging failure to act.

Helpful Resources

STOPit ARS flyer

NMPSIA Campaigns

Training for Coaches and Activity Leaders

New Training Available for Coaches and Activity Leaders

Social Media Threat Guidance

Social Media Threat Guidance

Kitchen safety checklist page 1

Kitchen Safety Checklist

Bus Safety Campaign Infographic

Bus Safety Campaign Infographic

Winter Weather Checklist

Winter Weather Checklist

Risk Training

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✨ New Training Available for Coaches and Activity Leaders - Click here

Click here to view or download Training Catalog

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In-Person Training Courses

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Loss Prevention Courses

Contact: Larry Vigil, Sr. Manager, Risk Services -

  • Accident Investigation (OSHA)
  • Aerial and Scissor Lifts (Certification)
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Chemical Hygiene and Laboratory Safety
  • Defensive Driving (Certification)
  • Distracted Driving
  • Electrical Safety
  • Fall Protection
  • First Aid/CPR/AED (Certification)
  • Forklift Safety (Certification)
  • General Workplace Safety
  • Hazard Communication
  • Housekeeping and Storage Practices
  • Kitchen Safety
  • Ladder Safety
  • Material Handling and Lifting Techniques
  • Mental Health First Aid and Suicidal Awareness (YMHFA®)
  • Narcan® Training (Opioid Overdose)
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Codes
  • OSHA 10® (Certification)
  • OSHA 30® (Certification)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Playground Safety and Maintenance
  • Stop The Bleed® (Certification)
  • Suicide Awareness, Gate Keeper Program

Safety and Security Courses

James Vautier, Sr. Manager, Safety & Security -

Darron Walter, Loss Prevention Specialist -

Grant Banash, Sr. Manager, Technology/Cybersecurity -

  • Active Shooter Response (ALICE®)
  • Active Shooter Response (AVERT®)
  • Active Shooter Response (Loud Noise Practical)
  • Active Shooter Response (Overview)
  • Active Shooter Response (Room Defense Practical)
  • Active Shooter Response (Room Fortification)
  • Behavior Threat Assessment/Management (Overview)
  • Behavior Threat Assessment/Management (Program Development)
  • Bomb Threat Response (Civilian Staff)
  • Bomb Threat Response (Security Staff)
  • Continuity of Operations
  • Cybersecurity Awareness
  • De-escalation (Staff)
  • Drug Trends & Physiology (Signs/Symptoms)
  • Family Reunification (Overview)
  • Family Reunification (Program Development)
  • Incident Command System (ICS) for Schools
  • PREPaRE® - School Crisis Prevention/Intervention
  • Responding to Crisis (Scenario Based Training)
  • Restorative Practices (Overview to Relationship Building)
  • Restorative Practices (Program Development)
  • Safe Schools Plan Consultation (NMPED)
  • Situational Awareness

Human Resources/Civil Rights Courses

Julie Garcia, Regional Director -

Tamie Pargas, Loss Prevention Specialist -

  • ADA and The Rehabilitation Act
  • Behavioral Management
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying Prevention Policies
  • Civil Rights - Title VII and Title IX
  • Communication and Teamwork
  • Compensation Review/Organizational Structure
  • Cultural Sensitivity, Awareness, and Diversity
  • Drug Free Workplace
  • Employment Contracts
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • General Safety - What Will You Do When You Retire?
  • I-9 Completion
  • Job Description Development
  • Kitchen Civil Rights (USDA Annual Requirement)
  • Neuro-Linguistics Programming
  • New Legislation and National Trends
  • Playground Supervision
  • Predator Identification
  • Professional Ethics and Boundaries - Sexual Predators in the Schools (SAMS Policies)
  • School Personnel Hiring, Questions, References, Backgrounds and Staff Training (SAMS Policies)
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Title IX Compliance
  • Workplace Violence

Ergonomics Courses

Karen Mestas-Harris, Senior Manager -

Erin Brannan, Loss Prevention Specialist -

  • Ergonomics for Custodial/Maintenance Staff
  • Ergonomics for School Health Staff
  • Ergonomics for Security Staff
  • Ergonomics for Special Education Staff
  • Ergonomics for Student Nutrition Staff
  • Ergonomics for Transportation Staff
  • Ergonomics in the Workplace
  • Safe Lifting and Body Mechanics
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Loss Prevention Contact List

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Click here to view or download PDF version

Julie Garcia, Regional Director 505-249-6824 HR/Civil Rights
Tamie Pargas, Consultant 505-249-7973 HR/Civil Rights
Steve Meilleur, Sr. VP 505-401-0942 HR/Employment Practices
James Vautier, Sr. Manager 505-480-1175 Safety & Security
Darron Walter, Consultant 720-775-0031 Safety & Security
Grant Banash, Sr. Mgr. 505-933-6187 Cybersecurity/Technology
Karen Mestas-Harris, Sr. Mgr. 575-693-3655 Ergonomics
Erin Brannan, Consultant 612-227-1898 Ergonomics
Larry Vigil, Sr. Mgr. 505-205-5620 Loss Prevention
Andrew Trujillo, Consultant 505-306-0981 Loss Prevention
Rafael Velasquez, Consultant 505-401-8976 Loss Prevention
Brenda Barela, Consultant 505-228-0533 Loss Prevention
Albert Muniz, Consultant 505-339-4248 Loss Prevention
John Bauler, Consultant 505-504-2968 Loss Prevention
Raymond Ross, Consultant Loss Prevention
Susan Baca-Garcia, Office Mgr. 505-573-3950 Loss Prevention Assistant
Kevin McDonald 505-604-6153 Media Manager
Schools Consultant Email
Albuquerque Charter Schools Andrew Trujillo
Alamogordo Albert Muniz
Animas Rafael Velasquez
Artesia Rafael Velasquez
Aztec Albert Muniz
Belen Brenda Barela
Bernalillo Rafael Velasquez
Bloomfield Albert Muniz
Capitan Larry Vigil
Carlsbad Rafael Velasquez
Carrizozo Rafael Velasquez
Chama Valley Rafael Velasquez
Cimarron Larry Vigil
Clayton Larry Vigil
Cloudcroft Larry Vigil
Clovis Brenda Barela
Cobre Larry Vigil
Corona Brenda Barela
Cuba Andrew Trujillo
Deming Andrew Trujillo
Des Moines Larry Vigil
Dexter Albert Muniz
Dora John Bauler
Dulce Rafael Velasquez
Eastern NM Univ. John Bauler
Elida John Bauler
Española Larry Vigil
Estancia Larry Vigil
Eunice Brenda Barela
Farmington Albert Muniz
Floyd John Bauler
Fort Sumner Brenda Barela
Gadsen Andrew Trujillo
Gallup Rafael Velasquez
Grady Rafael Velasquez
Grants-Cibola Larry Vigil
Hagerman Albert Muniz
Hatch Valley Rafael Velasquez
Hobbs Brenda Barela
Hondo Valley Rafael Velasquez
House Brenda Barela
Jal Brenda Barela
Jemez Mountains Andrew Trujillo
Jemez Valley Andrew Trujillo
Kirtland Central Rafael Velasquez
Lake Arthur Albert Muniz
Las Cruces Brenda Barela
Las Vegas City John Bauler
Logan Rafael Velasquez
Lordsburg Rafael Velasquez
Los Alamos Brenda Barela
Los Lunas Brenda Barela
Lovington Albert Muniz
Loving Rafael Velasquez
Luna Comm. College John Bauler
Magdalena Larry Vigil
Maxwell Albert Muniz
Melrose Brenda Barela
Mesa Vista Andrew Trujillo
Mora Larry Vigil
Moriarity Larry Vigil
Mosquero Larry Vigil
Mountainair Brenda Barela
NM Highlands Univ. John Bauler
Pecos Albert Muniz
Penasco Albert Muniz
Pojoaque Brenda Barela
Portales John Bauler
Quemado Larry Vigil
Questa Albert Muniz
Raton Larry Vigil
Reserve Larry Vigil
Rio Rancho Larry Vigil
Roswell Albert Muniz
Roy Larry Vigil
Ruidoso Brenda Barela
San Jon Rafael Velasquez
Santa Fe Larry Vigil
Santa Fe Charter Schools Larry Vigil
Santa Fe Community College John Bauler
Santa Rosa Rafael Velasquez
Silver City John Bauler
Socorro Brenda Barela
Springer Albert Muniz
Taos Albert Muniz
Tatum Albert Muniz
Texico Brenda Barela
Truth or Consequences Rafael Velasquez
Tucumcari Brenda Barela
Tularosa Larry Vigil
Vaughn Brenda Barela
Wagon Mound Larry Vigil
Western NM Univ. John Bauler
West Las Vegas John Bauler
Zuni Rafael Velasquez
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Workers' Compensation

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Reporting a Workers' Compensation Claim:

The Internal (customizable) First Report of Injury (FROI) may be uploaded & submitted electronically into the CCMSI Internet Claims Edge system (ICE) or scanned/emailed to the dedicated Workers’ Compensation email of CCMSI encourages NMPSIA members to obtain an ICE ID to submit the FROI electronically. If you need an ICE ID and passcode, please email a supervisor on the list of contacts at the bottom of this page.

Timely Reporting of Workers' Compensation Claims and Potential Penalties

NMPSIA requests that all Members submit FROIs to CCMSI within twenty four (24) hours but no later than seventy two (72) hours of their first knowledge of the injury or illness.

NMAC Rule states the following:
(4) The employer shall report every accident to their insurer or, in the case of self-insured employer or member of a self-insurance group, their claims administrator, whether or not the employer considers the claim to be valid, within 72 hours of the earlier of:
(a) actual knowledge of the accident by the employer, or
(b) presentation of a notice of accident form to the employer.
Please note:

Under Section 52-1-61 (NMSA 1978), Employers who report injuries late are subject to penalties of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each occurrence.

Claims Workbook:

General information about reporting, investigating and managing Workers’ Compensation Claims can be found in the

Workers' Compensation and Property & Liability Claims Workbook (fillable PDF)

Workers' Compensation Forms & Policy Options
Team Member Direct Phone & Fax Email Title
Cindy Carrillo O: (505) 431-9287
F: (217) 477-6342 NMPSIA Claims Supervisor
Jessica Lallement O: (505) 837-8799
F: (217) 477-6857 NMPSIA Claims Supervisor
Amber Kelly O: (505) 431-9289
F: (217) 477-3118 NMPSIA Claims Representative
April Metzgar O: (505) 837-8733
F: (217) 477-7221 NMPSIA Claims Representative
Carrie Barnes O: (505) 431-9281
F: (217) 477-5426 NMPSIA Claims Representative
Elka Espinoza-Medina O: (505) 431-9274
F: (217) 477-5470 NMPSIA Claims Representative
Madison Clark O: (505) 837-8724
F: (217) 477-7433 NMPSIA Claims Representative
Nicole Lujan O: (505) 431-9275
F: (217) 477-6705 NMPSIA Claims Representative

Welcome to the NMPSIA Risk Division

NMPSIA has been in existence for 37 years and understands your educational risks. The Risk Division manages, for the most part, accidental and unpredictable losses. However, while no specific event or loss is foreseen, it is possible to predict an estimated frequency of losses. NMPSIA divides the management of process into three basic phases:

  1. Pre-Loss Activities
  2. Actual Loss Activities
  3. Post-Loss Activities

All of the Risk Contractors are dedicated to assist you immediately and to help prevent and/or mitigate losses for both your institution and NMPSIA as a public entity pool.

Driving Monitoring Services

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Find valuable information at our main website:

Embark Driving Services FAQ

Schedule a system training session with our customer specialists:

For assistance contact:

Edwin Sosa, General Manager
Office: (407) 536-7233
Direct Phone: (407) 777-2220
Fax: (877) 347-7745

Annual Risk Premium Invoice

To obtain a copy of your school or entity's annual Risk Premium Invoice, select the fiscal year that you want the invoice for and enter the District ID number assigned to your school or entity. The name of your organization will be displayed in the Name field. Click Submit to obtain a copy of your risk premium invoice.

The District ID number for your Risk Premium Invoice is the same as the District ID number used to obtain your monthly health insurance billing statement.

Please DO NOT include leading zeroes if your District ID is less than three digits.

Insurance Division

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David Poms, President, provides the direction and management for the Insurance Division. Your NMPSIA Team Members will assist you with the following services:

  • Conduct contractual risk-transfer review to ensure insurance compliance and recommend language for hold-harmless/indemnity agreements, proper coverage and equity.
  • Manage and places stand-alone insurance policies for events such as field trips, school sponsored events versus non-school sponsored events, use of facilities, discuss coverage for regular and spontaneous volunteers, requirements for bonfires, use of personal vehicles, supplementary transportation matters and provide waiver forms for various activities.
  • Manage annual policy renewals for Student Accident, Equipment Breakdown and Underground Storage Tank coverages
  • Responsible for the Property schedule for all Members including buildings, contents, construction, equipment at all owned or leased locations and inventory listed for accurate calculation of premium costs associated with total insured values, established flood zones and appraisal records.
  • Respond to insurance coverage inquiries and prepare annual fiscal audits for individual members.

Your Dedicated Insurance Team Members

Team Member Email Phone Fax
Jennifer De Jesus
Account Manager O: (818) 449-9415
(800) 578-8802, ext. 415
C: (818) 522-3726
(818) 449-9449
Jo Anne Roque
VP, Risk Services Account Management O: (818) 449-9369
(800) 578-8802, ext. 369
C: (415) 317-5829
(818) 449-9449
Lynn Solomon
VP, Senior Account Executive O: (818) 449-9372
(800) 578-8802, ext. 372
C: (818) 414-8339
(818) 449-9449
Sandy Lee
Risk Analyst O: (818) 449-9316
(800) 578-8802, ext. 316
C: (805) 341-2327
(818) 449-9449
Justin Perkins
Director O: (818) 449-9301
(800) 578-8802, ext. 301
C: (323) 573-9212
(818) 449-9449
David Poms
President O: (818) 449-9303
(800) 578-8802, ext. 303
(818) 449-9449

Office Location: 5700 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Request for Certificate of Insurance

Certificate of Insurance

  • Name of your district, charter school, college or organization.
  • Contact information including your name, phone number and email address.
  • Name and address of certificate holder – this is the entity, business, or individual requesting the certificate.
  • You will need to know the desired type of coverage.
  • Describe the event and/or activity and include all necessary dates.
  • Attach a copy of the written requirement, if applicable, requiring the insurance coverage.
  • For leased or loaned machinery, office equipment, vehicle rental, etc., you will need to provide the replacement cost value, and the serial and/or vehicle identification number.
  • Bus Contractors: a copy of the contract or agreement is required along with a complete schedule of buses including year, make, model and VIN.
  • You will need to include method of delivery, fax number, email or mail address.
  • The email with the attached Certificate will be sent from
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Public Use of School Facilities

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In June 2010, Sammy Quintana, Executive Director sent a letter to Superintendents and CEOs of NMPSIA Member agencies informing Members of a statutory amendment (§NMAC, Title 6 Primary and Secondary Education. Chapter 50. Insurance, Part 17 Use of School Facilities by Private Persons) that affects the relationship between public schools in New Mexico and third party users of public school facilities. The change was effective July 1, 2010.

Under the new law:
  1. Public schools in New Mexico are not permitted to deny a facility use application because the party has no liability insurance.
  2. A school may require a tenant user to purchase insurance as a condition of use.
  3. The public school is not required to extend its own liability insurance to the tenant user. If the tenant user elects to remain uninsured, it is at the user’s own risk. The personal assets of the event sponsor may be in jeopardy if a loss occurs.
  4. NMPSIA Members (districts, charter schools, other educational entities, etc…) WILL BE insured by NMPSIA for claims which arise as a result of the tenant user’s event and for which the Member is held liable.
  5. Since July 1, 2010, the NMPSIA Member’s liability exposure is statutorily limited to a maximum of $1,000,000 per occurrence for damages related to tenant user activities. The Act does not set a maximum limit for the sponsor’s liability.
  6. Public schools may (and should) adopt a Facility Use Policy that clarifies all other terms and conditions of facility use. A sample Site Use Agreement is also available for reference. This sample may be adapted for use by the Member or Member’s counsel. Work with your attorney to ensure that your Site Use Policy is appropriately drafted to avoid discrimination complaints.

To reduce liability, NMPSIA’s recommended Site Use Agreement asks NMPSIA Member to obtain waiver agreements from the User’s event participants. Waivers help to mitigate potential damages and control premium costs.

Members may continue to recommend (but not mandate) the purchase of TULIP coverage for the User’s own protection. We strongly suggest that you inform Tenant User applicants of the continued availability of the TULIP program.

The sample Site Use Agreement offers specific recommendations for safety and other risk management components. The incorporation of safety and risk management processes will limit potential liability for all parties and safeguard future public access.

For questions relating to your obligations under the new law, please contact Justin Perkins, Jessie Monterrosa, or Lynn Solomon at Poms & Associates: (800) 578-8802. For assistance with safety issues associated with Tenant Users, contact Julie Garcia or Larry Vigil at (800) 898-6236.

Sample Site Use Agreement

Use of School Facilities by Private Persons

Safety, Risk Management, & Loss Control Division

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Julie Garcia, Regional Director, leads your Safety, Risk Management & Loss Control Division.This Division was created to specifically address your pre-loss activities by assisting you with the development of policies and procedures, training your staff on comprehensive topics, creating a safe environment for staff and students, conducting onsite safety audits and risk assessments, addressing matters such as OSHA standards and regulations, life safety code standards and regulations, ergonomic issues and best practices, review of and development of safety drills, and employment practices liability requirements and best practices. In addition, the team is constantly reviewing trends in school risk management issues. As a result, they work closely with NMPSIA to develop programs to curb those trends, such as the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) a partnership with CES, and Pecos Valley REC to provide an IDEA hotline and professional development training programs.

Your Dedicated Safety, Loss Control and Risk Management Team:

Team Member Email Phone Fax
Julie Garcia
Regional Director O: (505) 933-6286
C: (505) 249-6824
(505) 797-1432
Tamie Pargas
Risk Management
Civil Rights Specialist O: (505) 933-6189
C: (505) 249-7973
(505) 797-1432
Larry Vigil
Sr. Loss Control Manager O: (505) 933-6282
C: (505) 205-5620
(505) 797-1432
Karen Mestas Harris
Sr. Loss Control Manager
& Ergonomics Specialist O: (505) 933-6284
C: (575) 693-3655
(505) 797-1432
James Vautier
Sr. Loss Control Manager
& Safety / Security Specialist O: (505) 933-6287
C: (505) 480-1175
(505) 797-1432
Darron Walter
Risk Management Safety & Security O: (505) 933-6296
C: (720) 775-0031
(505) 797-1432
Richard McKelvey
Loss Control & Risk
Management Consultant O: (505) 933-6288
C: (505) 977-9790
(505) 797-1432
Albert Muniz
Loss Control & Risk
Management Consultant O: (505) 933-6283
C: (505) 339-4248
(505) 797-1432
Andrew Trujillo
Loss Control & Risk
Management Consultant O: (505) 369-6283
C: (505) 306-0981
(505) 797-1432
Brenda Barela
Loss Control & Risk
Management Consultant O: (505) 933-6289
C: (505) 228-0533
(505) 797-1432
Rafael Velasquez
Loss Control & Risk
Management Consultant O: (505) 933-6285
C: (505) 401-8976
(505) 797-1432
Susan Baca‐Garcia
Exec. Assistant Code Specialists O: (505) 933-6281
C: (505) 573-3950
(505) 797-1432
Rachel Overmier
Research Analyst O: (505) 369-3454
C: (505) 280-7302
(505) 797-1432
Peter Meilleur
Online Training Specialist O: (505) 933-6293
C: (505) 401-0695
(505) 797-1432
Steve Meilleur, PhD
HR & Employment Practices O: (505) 933-6291
C: (505) 401-0942
(505) 797-1432

Office Location: 201 3rd Street NW, Suite 1400, Albuquerque, NM 87102

In addition to the numerous trainings available to NMPSIA Members, Poms & Associates also offers the following Audits and Assessments to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state regulations:

  • Security Audits
  • Loss Prevention Audits
  • Playgrounds:
    • Review playground layouts (help design equipment layouts)
    • Playground Safety Audits
  • Ergonomic Audits for kitchen staff, custodial staff, health staff, special education staff, student nutrition staff, transportation staff, and office staff
  • Human Resources Audits

Office Location: 201 3rd Street NW, Suite 1400, Albuquerque, NM 87102

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For assistance:

Eric Swartz
Toll free (800) 927-4695, ext. 616
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Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI) is the Property, Liability and Worker’s Compensation Third Party Claims Administrator for all Members of NMPSIA.

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Property & Liability Claims

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Under the supervision of Steve Vanetsky, Senior Claims Supervisor, all property and liability claims are assigned to a team of claim adjusters. There are currently seven (7) claim adjusters to handle and service all of your claims.

Following procedure for reporting of claims is important. As soon as you obtain knowledge or become aware of a circumstance that could give rise to a claim, you should report it immediately using the appropriate claim form.

If you receive a summons or any written or verbal communication from an attorney, contact CCMSI immediately. Any time delay can impact the investigation of the allegations.

The first reporting notification should be sent directly to Steve Vanetsky. If he is not available, any one of the adjusters will gladly assist you. Simply ask for a general liability adjuster and advise the operator that you are a Member of the New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority.

Steve Vanetsky, Claims Manager
Phone: (505) 837-8722
Toll free:(800) 635-0679, ext. 8722
Direct Fax: (217) 477-6317
CCMSI Main Office: (505) 837-8700
CCMSI Main Fax: (505) 888-6901
(Do not use for Workers’ Compensation)
Claims Adjusters:
Cathy Lundy –
Marc Berstein –
Joe Klaus –
Estevan Reyes –
Greg Ramirez –
Kerry Sabado –

Investigations and How You Can Help:

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By taking the following steps, you can help with the investigation.

  • Document the scene through photographs, video recordings, or a written description from a witness(s);
  • Investigate the facts that surround the incident;
  • Document date, time, area or location of incident, names, phone numbers and addresses, if possible;

Please remember that you are the eyes and ears out in the field, you have the opportunity to gather facts and preserve any evidence that may be lost over time.

Most importantly, this will allow you to identify ways to prevent or reduce an accident from recurring.

Investigation Best Practices:


  • Go to the accident site as soon as possible
  • Investigate and document the cause, if possible
  • Document witnesses
  • Preserve any evidence


  • Conduct a formal interview
  • Offer advice
  • Admit negligence
  • Discuss insurance coverages
  • Negotiate a settlement
  • Discriminate
  • Make assumptions
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Online Training

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For your convenience, Poms & Associates has an online training system to provide trainings to you and your staff via webinars, eLearning, email updates on topical issues, and more!

Poms & Associates Provides access to education opportunities, technical assistance, and information resources to help meet the challenges you face in today’s work environment, giving you access to services in the following key areas:

Human Resource Management Employee Benefits Safety and Security
Risk Management & Loss Control Organizational Effectiveness …and much more!
For more information about the Vector Solutions eLearning courses, please contact

Kevin McDonald
Phone: (800) 898-6236 or (505) 797-1354

NMPSIA Risk Division Newsletters

Poms Newsletter Summer 2023

Poms Safety First Newsletter Winter 2023

Poms Newsletter Summer 2023

Poms Safety First Newsletter Summer 2023

Poms Newsletter Summer 2022

Poms Safety First Newsletter Summer 2022

Risk Frequently Asked Questions